Heidelberg Materials Safety Principles; Safety by Choice, Not by Chance
Plant, conveyor construction and New Windsor quarry development under Mine Safety and Health Administration jurisdiction (MSHA) 30.CFR section 46,56
Union Bridge/New Windsor MSHA Mine ID# 1800017
Heidelberg Materials Plant & Project Safety Manager: Andy Rigler cell # 240-357-4071
Joseph B. Fay Company Safety Manager: Hugh Hynes cell 443-962-0217
Think Safety, Talk Safety, Teach Safety, Work Safety and Live Safety
Construction zones are hazardous work areas. No trespassing allowed.

- Lehigh identified reserves and began to acquire properties in the 1950’s
- Original New Windsor Quarry MDE permit area = 242 acres. Surface Mine Permit to mine 66 acres of the 242 acres issued in 1990.
- As part of the 1990 permitting process:
- Berms and landscaping installed in site sensitive areas
- Hydro-geologic investigation conducted between 1985 and 1989
- State and local officials established “Zone of Responsibility” (ZOR), the first in the state of Maryland
- Carroll County established Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO) areas to allow for mining
- MDE Surface Mine Permit Application Expands area to 891 acres
- Meets all Carroll County Zoning setback requirements
- Honors ½ mile setback from the Town of New Windsor. Original MR was considerably closer to the town limit.
- Establishes overburden stacking areas
Federal / State / County Permitting process has been a 9 year process with the New Windsor Quarry and Limestone transport expansion project encompassing Carroll and Frederick Counties, 4 Departments of MDE, 1 Department at DNR and 1 comprehensive Federal permit with Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The permitting process is complete with a culmination of 40 separate approvals and permits.